Writes this surah on paper and keeps it in the house, good and prosperity would increase.
#Surah waqiah in english full#
If you sleep after reciting this surah would go before the almighty Lord with a face shining like the full moon on the day of reckoning and he would not be a careless person.By reciting this surah the reciter may have an idea about paradise, just as by reciting surah al sajdah and surah Luqman the conditions of hell can be visualised.If a person who recites Surah Waqiah will not be from among the absent-minded ones.Surah Waqiah Benefits those who Keep this Surah in one’s possession is a means of increase in sustenance.

#Surah waqiah in english free#
He will be free from troubles and poverty. It is narrated from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (razi allahu anhu) that whoever recites this Surah on every Friday, will be from those whom Allah (S.W.T.) loves and he will be loved by people also.Quran is shifa for all, Recitation of Surah Waqiah has many benefits, few are given below Some say to read after Maghreb, but after Isha is the best. Many of the Islamic Scholars and Shaikh Ul Hadith discuss this and state that we should all make it a habit to read Surah Waqiah every night after Isha. Thus, recitation of the Chapter is awakening. The majority of the blessed Verses of the Chapter treat of Resurrection, its qualities and happenings, and division of mankind into peoples of Hell and Paradise on that Day. Surah Waqiah was revealed in Makkah and it has 96 ayat.The title of the Chapter, Waqi‘a, is a designation of Resurrection whose imminence is prognosticated in the opening Verse. (The Event) Section (juz’): 27 Number of Verses: 96 In The Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful Sura : Makki Virtues of Surah Waqiah Benefits (Chapter 56)